Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Fine Print Of Dreams

Advice Columnist Ann Landers once gave some helpful advice regarding the work marriage involves. One of her readers lamented the unrealistic ideas many girls have of marriage, beseeching, “Why don’t you level with them Ann?” Landers Replied:

I have leveled with the girls — from Anchorage to Amarillo.
I tell them that all marriages are happy.
It’s the living together afterward that’s tough.
I tell them that a good marriage is not a gift, It’s an achievement.
That marriage is not for kids. It takes guts and maturity.
It separates the men from the boys and the women from the girls.
I tell them that marriage is tested daily by the ability to compromise.
Its survival can depend on being smart enough to know what’s worth fighting about.
Or making an issue of or even mentioning.
Marriage is giving — and more important, it’s forgiving.
And it is almost always the wife who must do these things.
Then, as if that were not enough, she must be willing to forget what she forgave. Often that is the hardest part.
Oh, I have leveled all right. If they don’t get my message, Buster, It’s because they don’t want to get it.
Rose-colored glasses are never made in bifocals.
Because nobody wants to read the small print in dreams.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mercy Me: Beautiful

The days will come when you don't have the strength
When all you hear is 'You're not worth anything'
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart they'd see too much....

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You're beautiful

I'm praying that you have the heart to find
'Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you've held inside so long
And they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sometimes I want to yell
but I keep it all inside
Little voices that scream to be heard
But I’m afraid to let them out
I think they might say something I don’t mean
Or worse, I think they might say
what I really feel

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sometimes I feel like Sleeping Beauty (I’m not gone yet)

I little weird, but I was told it was good so I posted it.

“Little, happy child”
That's that I used to hear
“With smiles, and sparkling eyes”
Where has the time gone?

Why is it so cold?
I’m not gone yet.

“Her hands are soft as silk”

That’s what they used to say
“Her lips are like cherries”
Do they still remember?

Why don’t I feel anything
I’m not gone yet

“She’s drifting away” “Where is she going?”
They don’t try to follow
“She seems so still, I wonder why”
I can barely hear them call my name

Are they still out there?
I’m not gone yet

“Her hands are like cold bark”

Where did I go?
“Her lips are like ice”
I’m drifting off

Is anyone coming for me?
I’m not gone yet

“Princess? Can you hear me?”
Am I still breathing?
“I’m here”
Is this the kiss of life or death?

Am I waking up?
I must be because I’m not gone yet

Friday, February 18, 2011

Once again, I really don't know if this one's any good. But I enjoyed writing it.

I don't have a name yet.... what do you think it should be called?

Sometimes I think of you
And wonder where you are
I wonder if you ever think of me
Do I run across your mind like you do mine?

We used to play in my backyard
Dig for treasure
Look for bugs
Do you remember the way we laughed together?

We promised we’d always be friends
We’d never forget
Do you remember?
But what are the promises of two little girls

Am I a forgotten chapter?
A fleeting lullaby?
Let me grace your thoughts
Remember me when summer comes around again

Part of me still hopes
Do you still think of me?
Or have you forgotten
Though a million words were said?

The kiss of sun
The starry nights we shared
Nothing can replace it
Think of me sometime, when summer comes around again.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Grace. What is it to you?

I looked up the word Grace on Wikipedia because it's what I've been studying in my Bible lately. I want to know your definition of the word Grace as it applies to the Christian faith. What do you think God's grace is?

Wikipedia's answer:

Within Christianity, there are differing conceptions of grace. In particular, Catholics and Protestants use the word in substantially different ways. It has been termed "the watershed that divides Catholicism from Protestantism, Calvinism from Arminianism, modern liberalism from conservatism". Catholic doctrine teaches that God uses the sacraments to facilitate the reception of His grace. Protestants generally do not hold that view.

The Christian teaching is that grace is unmerited mercy that God gave to us by sending his son to die on a cross to give us eternal salvation.

Romans 5:1-2 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand..." Galatians 5:4 (King James Version) "4Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace."

Grace in this context is something that is God-given, made possible only by Jesus Christ and none other. It is God's gift of salvation granted to sinners for their salvation.